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muhammedfevzi su an offline muhammedfevzi  
A program
379 Mesaj -
I recommend a program which is used speaking on Internet,Skype.You can improve your English practice with using it.You can find it on Download.com

For example,firstly you enter keywords or identifies about your facing people.Than you search this and if you find your request,you can talk on internet.It ýs more or less fast.But sound is very clear.Sometimes sound can be interrupted by your opposite.

ýt ýs bad four your time.Because when you are using ýt,time is passing rapidly.I advise that ýf you can not hold yourself,DON'T use!

In other side,a lot of people use that program for their fleshly sensations.So ýt may be dangerous for about men.It ýs probable to talk with bad people.You can not know this.

But finally,ýt ýs useful to improve your English..

See you.
Gönderen: 26.04.2005 - 23:48
Bu Mesaji Bildir   muhammedfevzi üyenin diger mesajlarini ara muhammedfevzi üyenin Profiline bak muhammedfevzi üyeye özel mesaj gönder muhammedfevzi üyeyi arkadas listeme ekle Yukari
y u s u f su an offline y u s u f  
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7 Mesaj
You are right. Skype is a very useful program. But I would like it support webcam.

Download it; Skype

Mesaj 1 kez düzenlendi. En son y u s u f tarafından, 16.05.2005 - 13:30 tarihinde.
Gönderen: 16.05.2005 - 13:27
Bu Mesaji Bildir   y u s u f üyenin diger mesajlarini ara y u s u f üyenin Profiline bak y u s u f üyeye özel mesaj gönder y u s u f üyeyi arkadas listeme ekle Yukari
polenez su an offline polenez  
5 Mesaj
this programme makes you a phone call . that is it. i don't kwon how to improve my language skills
Gönderen: 09.06.2005 - 13:49
Bu Mesaji Bildir   polenez üyenin diger mesajlarini ara polenez üyenin Profiline bak polenez üyeyi arkadas listeme ekle Yukari
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