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Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!

Bizarre baby born in Dolakha

By Rajendra Manandhar

Charikot, Dolakha, March 29 - The birth of a bizarre-looking baby
in Charikot, the headquarters of Dolakha district, on Wednesday,
drew a huge number of onlookers to witness the astonishing

The neck-less baby with its head almost totally sunk into theupper
part of the body and with extraordinarily large eyeballs literally
popping out of the eye-sockets, was born to Nir Bahadur Karki
and Suntali Karki at the Gaurishnkar Hospital in Charikot.

The Karki couple is a permanent resident of Dolakha’s Bhirkot VDC.

The bizarre baby, however, died after half an hour of its birth,
Suntali, the mother, informed. It was taken to the hospital after its

The news about such a baby being brought to the hospital spread
like wildfire and there were hundreds gathered at the hospital to
have a look. The police had to be deployed to control the crowd.

“We wouldn’t have been able to save it, even if it had been
brought here alive,” said a nurse attending to the mother at the
hospital, “This is an extremely abnormal case.”

The “baby” weighed 2kg at birth and was born after the normal
nine-month gestation period.

Suntali, already a mother of two normal daughters, was not
suffering from any illness during the pregnancy.

Nir Bahadur, the father, says he does not feel any remorse for the
newly-born baby’s death. “I am happy that nothing happened to
my wife,” he said.


Mesaj 1 kez düzenlendi. En son RaVZaNuR tarafından, 20.05.2006 - 22:16 tarihinde.
Gönderen: 20.05.2006 - 22:13
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Konu icon  Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
_313_ 20.05.2006 - 22:13
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
~KeMaL~ 20.05.2006 - 22:26
 Aman ya RAB
{{~Dervis~}} 20.05.2006 - 22:41
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
_313_ 20.05.2006 - 22:55
Konu icon  Aramıza yeni bir dost gelmiş!
selaminhiye 20.05.2006 - 23:22
 RE: Aramıza yeni bir dost gelmiş!
_313_ 20.05.2006 - 23:42
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
EBRARALEYNA 21.05.2006 - 07:46
RaVZaNuR 21.05.2006 - 10:27
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
_313_ 21.05.2006 - 10:51
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
~eSRa~ 21.05.2006 - 13:05
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
mohini 01.06.2006 - 19:18
 selam aleyküm
talebe222 06.06.2006 - 15:52
 Tüyler Ürperten Bebek !!!!!!!
(( NuR )) 06.06.2006 - 17:04

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