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The Jews control Turkish media and industry

There is an issue, a very important issue indeed that haven't been mentioned : The zionist Jewish Lobby in Turkey which is affecting the muslim world very very dangerously.

The zionists control the turkish media and industry.

Michael Kimhi, owner of Turkish adult and political TV sations (SHOW), and (CINE MECH) is a zionist jew, and he controls a big portion of the petrolium sector and heavy industries like cars and machinery as for Russia today. He markets anti-islamic and anti-muslim ideas. For Russia today the major politicians there are jews, and some of them were responsible of the Chechenya massacres against muslims, and they also control the media and russian banks responsible for the late economic crisis.

Another important topic is the arab media, which treats israel as an ordinary state, no as zionist enemy and as occupation of Palestine anymore, and israeli spokesmen appear often over the arabic tv stations MBC, and JAZEERA...
Gönderen: 30.05.2005 - 04:47
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