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"Invalidation of the entire Christian religion"
326 Mesaj -
The original of the following article is available at:
I was still approaching my queries into Islam from a journalistic point of view when I read an English translation of the Quran. Having read the Torah and studied the Bible, I can tell you that the Quran is no ordinary book. I had no idea that Muslims believed in the Prophets, Jesus, and the Day of Judgment. The more I learned, the more interested I was. What first impressed me was the completeness of this religion. Islam brought the whole picture together. I also was impressed at how tolerant, fair and just the principles laid out by the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) were. There was still one big problem as far as I was concerned and that was Christ, the Savior. Over a two week period, I research this whole matter extensively and it became very apparent that Christ could not be God and that God can not, by His very nature, have partners. No wonder I couldnt get the power of the Holy Spirit, there isnt one! If Christ is not God, this invalidates the entire Christian religion. The question then became what I was going to do about it.

Mesaj 1 kez düzenlendi. En son Devadam tarafından, 15.12.2004 - 09:34 tarihinde.
Gönderen: 15.12.2004 - 09:29
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Mesajlar Gönderen Tarih
 "Invalidation of the entire Christian religion"
Devadam 15.12.2004 - 09:29
Suqunet 16.11.2005 - 03:18
 "Invalidation of the entire Christian religion"
itulu_fatih 27.12.2005 - 01:50

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