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Sayings, Poems, etc. etc.

6 Mesaj

Kayıt Tarihi: 07.02.2005
En Son On: 10.02.2005 - 01:04
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Each faculty of ours delights in that for which it was created: lust delights in accomplishing desire, anger in taking vengeance, the eye in seeing beautiful objects, and the ear in hearing harmonious sounds. The highest function of the soul is the perception of truth.

Imam Ghazzali RA
Ekleme Tarihi: 07.02.2005 - 01:55
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RE: Sayings, Poems, etc. etc.

6 Mesaj

Kayıt Tarihi: 07.02.2005
En Son On: 10.02.2005 - 01:04
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Ibn Ata Illah said, How utterly amazing is someone who flees from something he cannot escape to seek something that will not last!

"It is not the eyes that are blind,

but the hearts in the breasts are blind."
Ekleme Tarihi: 07.02.2005 - 01:57
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RE: Sayings, Poems, etc. etc.

6 Mesaj

Kayıt Tarihi: 07.02.2005
En Son On: 10.02.2005 - 01:04
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Abu Hafs al-Haddad said, "Anyone who does not suspect himself at all times and does not oppose it in all states and does not drag it to what it dislikes in all his days, is deluded. Anyone who looks at himself and approves of any of it has destroyed it. How is it sound for an intelligent person to be satisfied with his nafs? The noble son of the noble son of the noble son of the noble [the Prophet Yusuf A.S.] said, "I do not say that my self was free from blame. The self indeed commands to evil acts except for those my Lord has mercy on." (12:53)

Ahmad Ibn Ajiba (ra) comments:

It is said about that:

Be cautious of your self and do not trust its tricks.
The self is fouler than seventy shaytans.
Ekleme Tarihi: 07.02.2005 - 01:58
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RE: Sayings, Poems, etc. etc.

6 Mesaj

Kayıt Tarihi: 07.02.2005
En Son On: 10.02.2005 - 01:04
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
by Abdullah Quilliam

Birth, life and death, three potent words,
What is it that they spell?
Our entrance in, our life upon,
Our exit and our knell.

Is that, then, all that is compris'd
Within those words so said?
And doth the span of passing scene
Cry "Finish'd" when we're dead?

If such be all, alas for us!
Poor creatures of an hour,
That bloom unseen, that die forgot,
Like passing of a shower.

Our days but few, our cares so great,
And pass'd in toil and strife;
Our life a span, under a ban -
No blessing, then, is life.

But if the moment of our birth -
As we believe it be -
Is not just entrance upon earth,
But immortality;

Then toil and care and meagre fare,
While on the earth we stand,
Is but precursor, but the path
That leads to other land.

Then sound of knell doth only tell
Of life begun for aye-
That perfect life, sans care and strife,
In the eternal day.

(October 16, 1904)
Ekleme Tarihi: 08.02.2005 - 06:52
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RE: Sayings, Poems, etc. etc.

6 Mesaj

Kayıt Tarihi: 07.02.2005
En Son On: 10.02.2005 - 01:04
Cinsiyeti: ----- 
Imam al-Ghazali (rahmatullahi alayhi) says "Fear rips away desires and muddens luxuries so that cherished sins become reprehensible, just as a honey lover is repelled by it when he learns that it has poison in it. This is how fear burns desires, disciplines the organs, subordinates the heart and gives it tranquility. It also enables the heart to rid itself of pride, hatred, and envy, and it leaves it absorbed in it (fear). Hence, the heart becomes preoccupied with its own worries and looks towards its best interest in the long run. It is then engaged in only matters like meditation, self-analysis and struggle. It cherishes its time and moments.
(Ihya 4/160)

Bu mesaj 1 kez ve en son Awesta tarafından 08.02.2005 - 06:54 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir.
Ekleme Tarihi: 08.02.2005 - 06:53
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