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Breath of Winds Of My Mind...!

22 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 20.12.2004
En Son On: 11.11.2006 - 13:22
Cinsiyeti: Erkek 
Who wants to be with me in front of the only beloved Allah-u Zul-Calal ?
Who wouldn't want?

I think that should be the question.So I am sorry for the first one.Now don't say what is this boy talking about.
Let's overview why I asked !
Would you like to be in front of him with all your sins scattered around?
Would you like to be in front of him with the outrageous things that you have done?
Would you like to be in front of him with the rights of your brothers over you ?

Now tell me please...
Would you want ?

Grace must find expression in life, otherwise it is not grace.

Ekleme Tarihi: 15.01.2006 - 14:49
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 Breath of Winds Of My Mind...!
muhammedyldz 15.01.2006 - 14:49

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