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Was Shakespeare a Muslim?

101 Mesaj -

Kayıt Tarihi: 15.12.2004
En Son On: 16.03.2005 - 15:29
Cinsiyeti: Bayan 
..........On the other hand, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, a Muslim scholar who is lecturing on Shakespeare and Islam at The Globe this week said: "Shakespeare's plays are not about good versus evil, not about a world in which you are either 'with us or against us'" .

"Shakespeare refuses to indulge in those cartoon caricatures of right and wrong. His plays are too complex for that."

In an interviews, Sheikh Yusuf, an American convert to Islam who heads an Islamic foundation in California, said that "Poets have an immense amount to teach us." "We listen too much to our social engineers and social scientists and not enough to our poets."

What was interesting about most of the talks at this event was that they were hinting that Shakespeare himself had been influenced by Islamic culture.

see for the complete text:
Ekleme Tarihi: 26.12.2004 - 03:19
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Mesajlar Ekleyen Tarih
 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
Andalusia 26.12.2004 - 03:19
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 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
turksoylu 26.12.2004 - 18:16
 Esselamu Aleykum
Andalusia 26.12.2004 - 18:51
 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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HakSairi 26.12.2004 - 19:04
 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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 Selamun aleykum
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 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
eNeSMaLiK 26.12.2004 - 20:20
 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
eNeSMaLiK 26.12.2004 - 20:26
 Was Shakespeare a Muslim?
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 Selamun aleykum
Andalusia 26.12.2004 - 22:11
 esselamu aleykum
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 Assalamu Alaikum
Andalusia 27.12.2004 - 00:35
 ve aleykumselam
HakSairi 27.12.2004 - 01:00

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